Preparations before and during Production of the Paper Cup

high speed paper cup machine
  1. After the preparatory work is completed, when starting the motor, you should shout “Power on” before starting the motor without any response. (This is to prevent the mechanic from repairing on the opposite side or behind the machine, and the operator cannot see it and cause unnecessary safety accidents).
  2. Carefully observe the operation of the machine, take a cup to check the bonding effect of the paper cup, preheat, main heat, whether there is yellowing at the knurled area, and damage to the paper cup.
  3. Check the bonding effect of the bonding place, whether there is any indirect defect, the bonding firmness of the bottom of the cup and whether the bonding is suitable for tearing and pulling, and the cup is suspected to be leaking if there is no hair pulling indirectly. The water test is as follows: allow.
  4. During normal operation, if you find or feel that the machine is abnormal, lift the cup body first, and wait until the last cup is knurled before stopping the machine for inspection.
  5. When the machine is restarted after an unexpected shutdown for a long time, take out the fourth and fifth plates of the large plate and check whether the knurled parts are bonded.
  6. The paper cup machine operator should pay attention to the forming conditions of the cup mouth, cup body, and cup bottom at any time during normal production, and check the adhesion and size appearance of the cups from time to time or check them one by one.
  7. If the staff concentrates on the operation and finds that there is an abnormal sound or the bottom of the cup is not well-formed, they should stop the machine immediately to check to prevent further losses.
  8. The operator must be conscientious and responsible in the production process and test the cups produced by himself with boiling water once an hour, 8 cups each time.
  9. Before the operator seals the carton, he should sample the number of small packages. After the inspection is correct, cut out the product certificate or product pattern and paste it on the upper right corner of the left side of the carton, and fill in the job number and production date in the box. Finally, the sealed boxes are neatly stacked in the designated position.

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