Machinery's Purchase Guide

Flexo Label Printing Machine

Self-adhesive label printing, also called self-adhesive printing and trademark printing, uses a certain printing method to print labels into self-adhesive self-adhesive materials. The printed products

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Workshop Guidance
Gloria Pan

The most noteworthy details of the label printing workshop

It is said that the details determine success or failure! The management of the printing workshop is so complex that it is easy to overlook some minor issues. But it is often such small problems that lead to major accidents. Today I will share with you some details that need to be paid attention to in the workshop management process and hope to provide you with some ideas and suggestions for the detailed management of the factory.

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Purchase Guide
Gloria Pan

Important Notes after Cold Stamping

More and more self-adhesive label customers hope that printers can perform hot stamping on the label. Hot stamping has become a standard process in the industry. If there is any deficiency, it will lose part of its competitive advantage.
As a part of commodity packaging, the unique and intuitive printing effect of cold stamping has won the hearts of merchants and customers. Its operation is simple, it creates a distinctive sensory effect, not only has low production costs but also increases the added value of the products. Cold hot stamping technology also solves the difficult process problems in hot stamping printing, avoids environmental pollution in the process of making metal printing plates, and saves a lot of energy.

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